Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Should Be Included In A HIPAA Checklist

By Greg Garner
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was established by the United States Congress in 1996. The act was first implemented in 1997, but wasn't in full swing until 2003. This bill was created to establish a unified system for health care documents. HIPAA was designed to prevent fraud in the health care system and make delivering health care electronically simple. By creating a system for the electronic delivery of medical transactions HIPAA was able to streamline all health care facilities.

HIPAA compliance checklists are a common document in many medical offices. A HIPAA checklist should include important basic guides of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations. This information should include emergency operations and contingency plans, access to information and records, and response to incidents. Another important aspect of a HIPAA checklist should be audit control, software, hardware, and transmission security. Another important way to make sure HIPAA rules are implemented is to assign an officer to control these rules. With a designated officer in control of your medical staff you can be sure that HIPAA regulations are being followed properly.

5 Things Your HIPAA Checklist Should Include

1. One of the most important parts of your checklist is a definition of duties. The office HIPAA compliance checklist should clearly define which personnel are allowed to access information and records. The will prevent any unnecessary access to confidential patient information.

2. Another important part of your checklist should be a clear set of procedures. The HIPAA check list should establish policies for modifying access to information and records.

3. Within your HIPAA compliance checklist you should included procedures for responding to security incidents. Every incident that occurs should be reported and documented. The outcome of the incidents should also be recorded along with ongoing investigations. This will help you understand if your security policies should be updated.

4. A backup and recovery plan should also be listed in your HIPAA checklist. In the event of a disaster you need a plan to continue business operations. You should test your backup policy thoroughly to ensure it will work properly. Within this plan you should discuss how necessary equipment for operations will be replaced.

5. Another aspect of your HIPAA checklist should be the installation of security software. HIPAA is concerned with the privacy and safety of patient records. If your computer system is breached there can be a leak in thousands of confidential patient records. Installing a firewall and other systems protection will ensure this type of disaster does not occur in your facility. All the information that is electronically dispersed should be encrypted before transmission. You should practice routine system checks to ensure the safety of your electronic material.

After you have designed your HIPAA compliance checklist you should assign an officer to maintain it. This person will have the task of acting as your offices HIPAA compliance officer. This will ensure your company is maintaining and enforcing HIPAA regulations and rules.


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