Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Important Information About HIPAA

By Greg Garner
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has become an integral part of healthcare systems today. This act is used to protect the privacy and rights of a patient that is in the need of healthcare. As a patient we all want to make sure that are privacy is held in tact when visiting any type of medical facility. As a healthcare provider we want to make sure that we are protecting the rights of our patients along with protecting our business. In order to achieve the level of education that is needed we must find a way to provide some type of training for those who deal with patients. Dealing with patients can be such a rewarding job, so we need to do all we can as an employee to protect that patient. HIPPA training will actually benefit you as an employee along with benefiting the business as well. As a professional you want to become a well rounded employee to help your employer as much as possible. It is important that you present a professional image when discussing issues with clients.

4 Topics of HIPAA training

1. HIPAA training includes several different topics that can seem confusing without support from an online training business. Usually HIPAA training will start out with the basic topics that concern HIPAA. Like what does HIPPA stand for, Insurance Reform, and Accountability? These generalized topics will give you a basic understanding when starting your training. It is important that the foundation principles are covered first when viewing any type of training material. This is exactly what the online training does for you. It allows you to gain a basic understanding of the topic before moving on and expanding on those same topics.

2. The training will then usually venture into the privacy rules that are associated with this act. The power point slides will cover privacy rules in general, individual patient rights, and notice consent and authorization. The privacy portion of the training is one of the longer sections of the power point that you will be using online. This is because the privacy portion of the training is one of the most sensitive topics when working in healthcare. Protecting a patient's privacy can be very detailed as there are certain rules you must abide by. You do not want your business to receive a HIPPA violation because you as an employee did not know how to handle a situation properly. This would look bad on you as a professional and cause trouble for the business as well.

3. After completion of the privacy training you will then start to review the security training. These topics can range from administrative, technical and physical safeguards that you must follow. The security training portion also discusses topics such as security management process and security awareness. Privacy and security are the two main topics that you will focus the majority of your time on when viewing the power point. Remember that the power point slides that you will be viewing are easy to understand. If you have questions at any time feel free to chat online with your customer service representative.

4. You will wrap up your training with the implementation of the HIPAA policies and guidelines. This will serve as a review of the security and privacy acts that you will need to follow. This portion will teach how to use these principles in everyday situations which will become very handy.

When you cover the implementation portion of the training you will see how you need to deal with everyday occurrences in a professional manner. Client interaction is actually one of the most important concepts when building any type of business.


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