Friday, January 7, 2011

Suing on Grounds of Pharmacy Negligence

By James Blatt
Does the pharmacist have a duty to care? Can a patient sue a pharmacy for being negligent? The answer to the first question is a yes. However, only a competent lawyer can weigh the facts at hand and give an accurate answer to the second question. Get in touch with a legal professional if pharmacy negligence is the cause of your injury.

Florida accepts pharmacy as a profession, so any negligence on the part of the pharmacist may be interpreted as malpractice. Which incidents classify in this category? Numerous errors may fall within this category - providing over dosage or under dosage, providing wrong medication, providing wrong instructions, and so on.

Every pharmacy has a duty to care towards the patients. Therefore, it is their responsibility to take care while filling out the prescription about the right medication, instructions and dosage. It is also a case of negligence if the pharmacist fails to understand the effects of consuming different medications at the same time.

It is, however, necessary to understand that not every error is necessarily a ground for filing a lawsuit. Consider the circumstances before you go ahead and sue a pharmacy. Discuss the details with your lawyer. Only when you are sure that it was a negligent action, you can file for damage recovery.

Keep in mind, the lawsuit is for damage recovery, therefore, damage is a preceding clause in the dispute. For example, the pharmacist in Orange County gives you the wrong dosage but this does not cause any serious harm to you. In such a situation, you do not have a strong enough ground to file a case.

Many think that in such a case, the Florida statute of limitations is four years. However, this is incorrect. Any personal injury case has a statute of four years but the cases involving pharmacy negligence has a statute of two years. Therefore, if you think your pharmacist's negligence was the cause of your injuries, talk to a lawyer now.

It is necessary to consult an Orange County Florida lawyer, with knowledge and experience in handling such cases, immediately. Without competent legal assistance, it is difficult to establish the occurrence of pharmacy negligence. Moreover, only a lawyer is capable of assessing the damage, with the help of other experts.


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